
 Types of waste ponds and their functions 1. Cooling Pond Cooling Pond is a place or sludge storage pool to reduce the raw sludge temperatur...
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     Types of waste ponds and their functions

    1. Cooling Pond

    Cooling Pond is a place or sludge storage pool to reduce the raw sludge temperature of the sludge pit, which is + 70 - 80oC to + 40 - 45oC to suit mesophilic bacteria.

    2. Mixing Pond

    Mixing Pond is a place or sludge storage pond after cooling from the cooling pond to neutralize the pH of the raw effluent by mixing the sludge from the anaerobic pond with a certain ratio. The ratio used is 1: 3, where for example, if the feeding from the cooling pond to the mixing pond is 200 tons / hour, then the back mix from anaerobic to the mixing pond is 600 tons / hour.

    3. Anaerobic Pond

    Anaerobic Pond is a storage pool for remodeling organic materials contained in wastewater using mesophilic bacteria. Where these bacteria can live with the following conditions:

    1. Neutral pH, namely 6-9.

    2. The temperature of the anaerobic pool is maintained between 30-40oC.

    3. Adequate nutrition contains Nitrogen and Phosphate.

    4. The pool depth is 5-6m.

    5. Strive to make efforts to accommodate the waste for 2 days.

    4. Contact Pond

    Contact Pond is a temporary storage pond for liquid waste from the anaerobic pond before being pumped into the land application.

    5. Aerobic Pond

    Aerobic pond is a liquid waste storage pool that aims to reduce organic materials by using aerobic bacteria.

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