
Ford is teaming up with energy drink company Red Bull for an exciting new project, focusing on the development of an electric vehicle. The c...
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    Ford is teaming up with energy drink company Red Bull for an exciting new project, focusing on the development of an electric vehicle. The collaboration was revealed by Ford CEO Jim Farley, who stated that the company is "working with Red Bull on a mystery electric vehicle project." This exciting news has caused a lot of speculation and excitement among fans of both brands, as the partnership brings together the innovative technology of Ford with the high-performance and adrenaline-fueled image of Red Bull.

    While no specific details have been released about the project, Farley did say that it would be "something that has never been done before." This statement has only added to the anticipation for what is sure to be an exciting and ground-breaking project. Whether it's a high-performance electric vehicle designed for extreme sports enthusiasts, or a more practical EV designed to appeal to a wider market, the collaboration between Red Bull and Ford has the potential to be a game-changer in the electric vehicle industry.

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