
In simple terms, the working principle of a boiler is to heat water to its boiling point so that it turns into steam. This hot steam is used...
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    In simple terms, the working principle of a boiler is to heat water to its boiling point so that it turns into steam. This hot steam is used for various purposes, such as heating crude oil so that it does not freeze, for the palm oil production process, and others. Even though it looks simple, there is a very interesting discussion about the working principle of a boiler.

    How to Effectivity Produce Hotter Steam
    The boiling point of water is normally 100 ˚C, which is the temperature at which water turns into steam at normal pressure (1 bar). Thus, the steam produced from boiling the water is also 100 ˚C. If a boiler wants to produce hotter steam, it is necessary to increase the pressure so that the boiling point of water increases (see graphic below).

    From the graph above, it is known that at a pressure of 10 bar, the boiling point of water increases to 180 ˚C. Thus, a boiler with a pressure of 10 bar will produce hotter water vapor.

    Boiler Rating
    Based on pressure, boilers are divided into three groups, namely:

    1. Low pressure boiler (
    2. Medium pressure boiler (10-50 bar)
    3. High pressure boiler (> 50 bar)

    Boilers with higher pressure will produce hotter steam.

    The boiler capacity can be stated in several versions, namely:

    Steam per hour at specified boiler feed water temperature, outlet steam pressure and temperature.
    • Kg steam per hour (lb steam / hr)
    • Kg of steam per hour per square meter
    • Kg of steam per hour per cubic meter
    • Horse Power (Lb / hr = HP x 34.5)
    The next boiler working principle that needs to be known is "Heat transfer" or how to transfer heat.

    There are 3 types of heat transfer that occur in a boiler, namely: (1) Radiation (2) Conduction, and (3) Convection.

    1. Radiation
    Is a heat transfer that does not require media. The heat from the sun that reaches the earth is an example of the transfer of heat in radiation (radiation). In boilers, pipes that are not directly exposed to the heat source can also become hot because there is radiation transfer of heat

    2. Conduction
    It is the transfer of heat that the medium does not move, it occurs in solids. If you heat the tip of the nail, for example, the bottom of the nail will also become hot because of the propagation or heat transfer. In a boiler, if the base of the pipe is heated, the entire pipe will become hot. This heat pipe will make the water boil.

    3. Convection
    It is the transfer of heat in which the medium moves, this occurs in fluids. In a boiler, cold feed water will mix with hot water in the boiler so that heat transfer occurs.

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